(v3 or greater)Your EKS cluster is required to have an OIDC provider installed. To check for an OIDC provider first find the OIDC issuer with the following command. Substitute $CLUSTER_NAME
with the Name of your EKS cluster and $REGION with region where it is running:
aws eks describe-cluster --name $CLUSTER_NAME --region $REGION --query cluster.identity.oidc.issuer --output text
A URL is returned, like
. The part after https://
will be referred to in later instructions as the OIDC Provider Identity (e.g.
). The final section of the URL, 1234567890ABCDEF
, is the $OIDC_ID.
Using the id of the issuer found above you can check if a provider is installed with the following command:
aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers | grep $OIDC_ID
If there is no output, you will need to create an OIDC provider:
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --region $REGION --approve
Check the MetadataOptions of the EC2 instances which are part of the EKS cluster:
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id <instance id name>
If the MetadataOptions.HttpPutResponseHopLimit is 1, set it to 2 as follows so the pods are able to successfully access the EC2 instance metadata service. :
aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-options --instance-id <instance id name> --http-put-response-hop-limit 2 --http-endpoint enabled
To provide the necessary permissions, an IAM role and an attached policy are required. The role name is passed as an argument during the helm deployment.
Create the role with a role name of your choosing (for example, rancher-csp-iam-role
), and the required policy attached to it.
Define and export the variables CLUSTER_NAME, REGION, ROLE_NAME accordingly, then run the eksctl command:
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name rancher-csp-billing-adapter \
--namespace cattle-csp-billing-adapter-system \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
--region $REGION \
--role-name $ROLE_NAME --role-only \
--attach-policy-arn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess' \
Log helm into the AWS Marketplace ECR, to fetch the application. Note that the AWS Marketplace ECR is always in the us-east-1
aws --region us-east-1 ecr get-login-password \
| helm registry login --username AWS \
Install Rancher into your cluster using helm. Customize your helm installation values if needed:
Rancher Prime utilizes cert-manager to issue and maintain its certificates. Rancher will generate a CA certificate of its own, and sign a cert using that CA.
The Rancher hostname must be resolvable by public DNS. Please refer to the Prerequisites section for more details. For example, if the DNS name is,
helm install -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system rancher-cloud --create-namespace \
oci://{{repository}}/rancher-cloud-helm/rancher-cloud \
--version {{chart_version}} \
--set rancherHostname=$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherServerURL=https://$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherReplicas=$REPLICAS \
--set rancherBootstrapPassword=$BOOTSTRAP_PASSWORD \
--set rancherIngressClassName=nginx \
NOTE: Monitor the rancher-cloud pod logs as the rancher-cloud pod is deleted in 1 min after a successful/failed installation
kubectl logs -f <pod> -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system
After a successful deployment, running the following command should produce a similar output.
kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces=true
cattle-csp-billing-adapter-system csp-rancher-usage-operator 1/1 1 1 30m
cattle-csp-billing-adapter-system rancher-csp-billing-adapter 1/1 1 1 30m
cattle-fleet-local-system fleet-agent 1/1 1 1 29m
cattle-fleet-system fleet-controller 1/1 1 1 29m
cattle-fleet-system gitjob 1/1 1 1 29m
cattle-provisioning-capi-system capi-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 28m
cattle-system rancher 1/1 1 1 32m
cattle-system rancher-webhook 1/1 1 1 29m
cert-manager cert-manager 1/1 1 1 32m
cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector 1/1 1 1 32m
cert-manager cert-manager-webhook 1/1 1 1 32m
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller 1/1 1 1 33m
kube-system coredns 2/2 2 2 38m
Please look at the Troubleshooting section of this doc for a failed installation.
To check if helm chart installation is completed, run following command:
helm ls -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system
After the helm chart installation is complete, you can verify the installation. Verify the status of the helm charts installation by running the following command:
helm status rancher-cloud -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system
After it is completed, the Rancher Prime is successfully installed.
You may now login to Rancher dashboard by point your browser to Rancher server URL https://<Rancher hostname>, where Rancher hostname is the hostname you have chosen previously.
The Rancher hostname must be resolvable by public DNS. Please refer to the Prerequisites section for more details.
Please refer to the Rancher documentation on how to use Rancher.
The marketplace PAYG offer is tied to a billing adapter AND Rancher Prime version. These are updated periodically as new version of the billing adapter or Rancher are released. In that case the helm chart will be updated with new tags and digests and new version of helm chart will be uploaded. In order to upgrade the deployed helm chart with new version, execute the following helm command
helm upgrade -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system rancher-cloud --create-namespace \
oci://{{repository}}/rancher-cloud-helm/rancher-cloud \
--version <upgraded_chart_version> \
--set rancherHostname=$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherServerURL=https://$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherReplicas=$REPLICAS \
--set rancherIngressClassName=nginx \
To check if upgraded helm chart installation is deployed, run following command. It should display the upgraded chart version and REVISION incremented by 1 from previous install.
helm ls -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system
This section contains information to help you troubleshoot issues when installing Rancher Prime PAYG.
Jobs and Pods:
Check that pods or jobs have status Running/Completed
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
If a pod is not in Running state, you can debug into the root cause by running:
Describe pod
kubectl describe pod <pod name> -n <namespaces>
Pod container logs
kubectl logs <pod name> -n <namespaces>
Describe job
kubectl describe job <job name> -n <namespaces>
Logs from the containers of pods of the job
kubectl logs -l job-name=<job name> -n <namespaces>
If any of the pods are not Running :
Check the rancher-cloud Pod
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep rancher-cloud
If the rancher-cloud pod is in Error state, wait for the pod to be deleted which takes approx 1 min after it goes in Error State.
Fix the problem and execute
helm upgrade -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system rancher-cloud --create-namespace \
oci://{{repository}}/rancher-cloud-helm/rancher-cloud --install \
--version {{chart_version}} \
--set rancherHostname=$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherServerURL=https://$HOST_NAME \
--set rancherReplicas=$REPLICAS \
Error from server (NotFound): "rancher-usage-record" not found"
Check Configuration, Retrieve generated configuration csp-config
kubectl get cm -n cattle-csp-billing-adapter-system csp-config -o yaml
if a configuration is not listed, you can debug into the root cause by checking the pod status and log (Refer Jobs and Pods section).
Once the rancher-cloud components are installed, the support configuration takes approximately an hour to show the product information. In an upgrade scenario, the support config might still have base_product field reference to the pre-upgrade version but after the next usage update (approximately in an hour), the support config should reflect the upgraded version.
Uninstalling Rancher Prime:
helm uninstall -n cattle-rancher-csp-deployer-system rancher-cloud
Uninstalling Rancher Prime may not cleanly remove all the resources that were created by Rancher. Users are encouraged to use Rancher cleanup script to perform a more comprehensive cleanup if necessary. However, it is recommended to migrate any other workloads off the cluster and prepare to destroy the cluster to complete the uninstallation since cleanup is not recoverable.
When migrating Rancher to a different EKS by following the steps specified in Rancher Backups and Disaster Recovery, Rancher Prime must be reinstalled on the target EKS cluster after restoring from the backup. Furthermore, the restored Rancher version must not be newer than the version available in the AWS marketplace.